Finding Light - A Journey into Nature to Find My Soul
Brad Carr Photography Exhibition
11th May 2025 - 6th July 2025
Plas Glyn y Weddw
LL53 7TT
Immerse yourself in the mystical and ethereal world of photographic artist and Nature writer, Brad Carr in his upcoming exhibition, ‘‘Finding Light: A Journey into Nature to Find My Soul’’. The seven-week exhibition opens on the 11th May 2025 at the prestigious Welsh gallery, Plas Glyn y Weddw in Llanbedrog.
The exhibition, a rare display of contemporary photography in such a gallery, features a collection of Brads’ finest photographs and accompanying pieces of writing that will communicate the artist’s wider mission for peace and unity that is driving his creativity.
‘Finding Light’ is a testament to the great powers of the spirit of Mother Nature as Brad openly shares his deeply personal story of healing and transformation through the portal of Nature. From a fearful childhood marred with episodes of domestic abuse and violence, to a life of creativity and finding the light of purpose and meaning amidst his early experiences in the darkness, Brad now lives a life of service to Nature and hopes to inspire people to go out in search of their own place of sanctuary within the natural world.
From wide-angled vistas of beautiful, untamed wilderness to intimate portraits of ancient trees and mystical Welsh woodland scenes, each photograph tells a unique story of the sacred landscape of our beautiful world.
Through his art, Brad communicates from a place beyond the Self. The mystical photographs, often described by the artist as ‘self-portraits’, represent his internal emotional state at the time of creating and, therefore, introduce viewers to two worlds. In his essay, ‘A Bridge Between Two Worlds’, the artist writes:
‘‘The camera is the bridge that connects these two worlds. Not only does it capture what it sees in the external world that is so familiar to us all, but it reflects, at the same time, the inner world of the artist; one that is completely unique and so often unknown and unseen, even by the artists’ eyes at times.’’
Brad often records his thoughts in his journal whilst immersed in the landscape and during his reflections that follow his adventures into the natural world. These musings and contemplations often form the origins of his widely acclaimed creative essays that have reached international audiences in recent magazine publications.
Key Dates:
Launch - 11th May 2025
Close - 6th July 2025
Open Artist Talk - Saturday 31st May (TBC)
Talk for Artist’s Group - TBC
Dates of Brad’s Attendance:
Sunday 11th May
Close - 6th July 2025
To Be Confirmed:
Saturday 31st May
Sunday 1st June
‘‘I would like to invite you to join me for an unforgettable journey; not only a journey into the heart of Nature, but also one that will lead you into the sanctuary within my own heart. It has taken me what feels like a lifetime to open it far enough to allow the light to enter.’’
Highlights of the Exhibition:
On display are a large collection photographs by Brad Carr, short stories, excerpts from his internationally published essays, and poetry to accompany the photographs.
Interactive talks and presentations throughout the exhibition. See the artists website (linked below) for more information.
Copies of Brads’ zine, ‘A Year Amongst Trees’ are on sale, and a sample of his debut photobook ‘Finding Light’ will be displayed with a link to preorder.
A community engagement workshop project with youth charity, GISDA (TBC).
Featuring themes of:
- Healing & transformation
- Spirituality & Psychology
- Finding purpose & belonging in the natural world
- Repairing a damaged connection with Nature & the soul
- Consciousness
- Creating peace and unity withinWith a special focus on the wellbeing benefits and healing powers of Mother Nature.

An extended statement from Brad:
“Through this exhibition, I hope to inspire visitors to reconnect with the natural world and to recognise the importance of protecting and nurturing our relationship with Mother Nature for the wellbeing of future generations and the advancement and evolution of humanity and consciousness.
The art of Nature photography, I believe, can play a key role as we look to repair our relationships with ourselves and each other, and ascend towards a more loving and peaceful haven on earth. Nature photography is a holistic practice that combines the mind, body, and spirit. It has immense potential as a modality for delivering healing to the human soul and bringing humanity back into harmony with the natural world, which, in turn, brings us back into harmony with our deeper self, and each other as a result. Not only do we move energy and emotions through our body as we move across the landscape in search of a photograph, but the very act of creating can help to unburden us of our psychological baggage as we transmute our pain into creative power.
With the trained photographic eye, the artist learns to look beyond the immediately obvious composition for a more unique and interesting perspective on a location. Through the practice of photography, one begins to experiment with different angles and focal lengths to create something completely unique and add interest to their creation. It is through the practice of photography that the abstract and out-of-the-box thinkers are rewarded with more interesting, thought-provoking and conversation-opening photographs.
Within the wider world, there is certainly a place for more people who can approach situations and problems from different angles; for more people who are able to see beyond the immediacy of a person’s often unconscious actions and behaviours; for more people who can see deeply into the soul of another with a level of understanding and empathy that can only lead to forgiveness, acceptance, and unconditional love.’’